NAZA Preliminary Budget Form (2025-2026)

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Budget Instructions 
This preliminary form is for NAZA review only. The NAZA team review your budget allocations and determine if updates or adjustments are needed. For each budget line, please provide an explanation of your spending.

When this form updated and approved, you will receive further instructions to complete the official Metro Government spreadsheet, seen below.

All planned line items must have an explanation for the expense.  
2024-2025 Budget Form
Key Points to Afterschool and Summer Funding:
  • Afterschool and Summer program funding for FY '25 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)
  • Per slot rate for afterschool programming is $1355.00 per student
  • Per slot rate for summer to be calculated at $8 an hour per slot. Maximum cost per youth slot for summer program is $320 per week for partners programming 5 days per week for 8 hours per day.
  • NAZA Budget Guidance offers info to calculate estimated budget
  • NAZA follows the guidelines presented in the Metro Nashville Non-Profit Grants Manual with the awarded funds
For Afterschool and Summer programming, programs must calculate the target number of youth they plan to serve for FY 25 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025). NAZA has created budget calculator to assist.

Calculating your potential NAZA budget funds

Calculating Estimated Afterschool Progamming Funds

X    $1355 slot/youth =   

Please note total
Calculating Estimated Summer Progamming Funds



Please note total
Youth In Action Project

$1000 Max Funding

Please note total

Afterschool Programming Budget

As you enter your funding data, your Total afterschool budget should equal the amount from the estimated funds calculated.

FYI: For every budget allocation, please provide a detailed explanation of expense.
Type "N/A" if no Program Name
Personnel Expenses

Number of staff x Number of hours and hourly rate charged to this grant or percentage of salary for each charged to this grant

Types of benefits, rates and number of staff, whose benefits are charged to this grant

Non-Personnel Expenses

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Milage, parking and other travel unit cost and unit number

Unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Cost includes learning supplies, learning software, programs, games, food, etc. Per youth average cost or cost per purchase type

Daily rate, number of days separated by afterschool and summer (if applicable)

Daily rate, number of days separated by afterschool and summer (if applicable)

Any contracted services, including external enhancement partners- cost per contract or per hour/class

Anything else that is part of programming cost but is not listed

Parners can choose to budget either separate line items above or request an indirect cost of up to 20% of their total budget. The Indirect cost requests must be accompanied by agency's cost allocation plan.

Total Afterschool Budget must equal the calculated funds from previous page.

Summer Programming Budget

Summer program funded in this cycle is July 1-31,2024 and June 1- 30, 2025 | Total should equal the amount from the estimated summer funds calculated. 

FYI: For every budget allocation, please provide a detailed explanation of expense.
Personnel Expenses

Number of staff x Number of hours and hourly rate charged to this grant or percentage of salary for each charged to this grant

Types of benefits, rates and number of staff, whose benefits are charged to this grant

Non-Personnel Expenses

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Estimated unit number and unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Milage, parking and other travel unit cost and unit number

Unit cost or % of total cost charged to this grant

Cost includes learning supplies, learning software, programs, games, food, etc. Per youth average cost or cost per purchase type

Daily rate, number of days separated by afterschool and summer (if applicable)

Daily rate, number of days separated by afterschool and summer (if applicable)

Any contracted services, including external enhancement partners- cost per contract or per hour/class

Anything else that is part of programming cost but is not listed

Parners can choose to budget either separate line items above or request an indirect cost of up to 20% of their total budget. The Indirect cost requests must be accompanied by agency's cost allocation plan.

Total Summer Budget must equal the calculated funds from page 2.

For an accurate calculation of funds, the Total Summer Budget must be ZERO

Total Organizational Budget must equal the calculated funds from page 2.