Youth Afterschool Enrollment Form 

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character


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Student Information

All ID numbers are 9 digits & begin with "190"

Parent/Guardian Information

Transportation Information

Return to page 2 and correct Student Information

My student has permission to ride a Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools School Bus from school to my student’s regular bus stop to participate in extended school day activities. I understand that my student may be en-route on the school bus in excess of one (1) hour.  I understand that transportation services may not be provided for my student if we reside in a parent responsibility zone.  I further understand that services will not be provided on early release school days, snow days, or any other day school is not in session.  My student and I understand that this service is a privilege, and further understand that bus service will be discontinued should the student misbehave or violate school system’s safety rules.  My student and I have read the attached Bus Rider Rules and agree to abide by them.

Please provide the contacts of those who are authorized to pick up your child. Only those listed below will be allowed to pick up the student



Medical Information

Note: If not applicable add "N/A"

Note: If not applicable add "N/A"

Note: If not applicable add "N/A"

Insurance Information